Mie and I had a blast at SVS-con with these cosplays and were generously praised for both choice of fabrics and execution of the cosplays themselves, so everything was a success! :D
we had a mini photoshoot at the convention, and a bunch of people gathered, so in the end we had a small audience + a guy with the OST, that was fun!
And then finally, the 13th of August, Mie visited me in my hometown and my lovely friends Sascha and Astird were so nice and agree to arrange a real photoshoot with us
More pictures can be seen here
I still need to make a Stripe I (Stocking's Sword) but that will have to wait a bit since I am really busy with school right now.
so in stead have the video we also made on the 13th :
we had a blast! hope you like it !